Irrigation: Getting down to the root of watering.
Here are the facts: lawns typically need about 2.5cm – 4cm of water per week. The goal for Earth Elements is to build a healthy root system so that the turf becomes both disease and weed resistant. The best way to do this is through regular, deep watering. Deep watering forces the grass roots to search deeper for moisture between watering cycles. Irrigation is the most effective way to ensure a consistent, deep watering!
Our designs take into consideration all aspects of the lawn, including its water requirements, water supply, soil type, micro-climates and irrigation scheduling. For example: the irrigation schedule will ensure that:
· Watering is done early morning. This ensures that the blades dry slowly with limited evaporation.
· Adjust the amount of water based on soil type. Muskoka’s sandy soils usually require more water because of high percolation rates.